LINGUACULTURE is a peer-reviewed academic journal run by the Linguaculture Centre for (Inter)cultural and (Inter)lingual Research affiliated to the Department of English at the Faculty of Letters, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania.

Focus: Anglistics
Working language: English
Areas of interest: (comparative) linguistics, literary theory and criticism, cultural anthropology, discourse studies, translation studies, theatre and film studies, language learning and teaching, etc. 
Frequency: 2 issues per year, published in June and December
Online ISSN: 2285-9403 | Print ISSN: 2067-9696 
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2nd Call for Papers - Linguaculture, vol. 15, no. 2, 2024


Pop Culture and Audience Reception in a Transnational Context

We seek contributions that examine pop cultural phenomena within a transnational context, exploring the ways in which pop culture can be interpreted, used, marketed, and reworked differently across cultural boundaries or in the context of transmediality. 

Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Pop Culture and Audience Reception in a Transnational Context

Thematic issue: Pop Culture and Audience Reception in a Transnational Context

Issue editors: Nancy Reagin and Florina Năstase

Published: 31.12.2024

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