Call for Papers - Linguaculture, vol. 13, no. 1, 2022
Posted on 2021-12-31For this thematic issue we welcome original contributions in the areas of narratology, literature (with a special focus on fantasy, on possible worlds in language structures, at the crossroads between referential semantics and fiction studies), translation studies (the challenge of translating fantasy for readerships of various ages and its effect on reception), semiotics, philosophy, logic, theology, cultural and arts studies, preferably focusing on the works of C. S. Lewis and of authors belonging to the literary group known as the Inklings.
The theme may be approached from a specific or an interdisciplinary perspective. Equally welcome are reviews of books, particularly – but not compulsorily - devoted to authors of the same literary circle.
Contributions to be published in the June 2022 issue are expected by February 15, and they should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions will go through a blind peer-review process and notification of acceptance will be sent by April 1.
Please consult our Instructions for Authors page ( for further information about submissions and additional requirements.
Use the Submissions ( page to send us your contributions.
Issue editors: Dr. Rodica Albu and Dr. Teodora Ghiviriga