Re-Mystifying the West: Hybridity and Spirituality in Jim Jarmusch’s 'Dead Man'

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Florina Năstase


The paper intends to examine the ways in which the American West has undergone a cinematic transformation with the advent of counter-cultural western movies that criticize and often dismantle American imperialism and expansionism. The paper makes the argument that the American West has arrived at a new stage in its mythology, namely that it has been re-mythologized as a locus of Eastern spiritual awakening. The western of the 1990s’ decade embraces a rebirth of spiritualism through the genre of the “acid western,” typified in this paper by Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man (1995), a film that showcases the return of the West as a cultural frontier that must be re-assimilated instead of rejected. Given its symbolic title, Dead Man is not so much a Western as it is an Eastern romance, a rite of passage framed as a journey towards death. The paper will attempt to make its case by tackling the history of anti-establishment cinema, while also basing its argument on the assertions of director Jim Jarmusch, and various film critics who discuss the issue of the “acid western.” At the same time, the paper will offer a post-colonial perspective informed by Homi Bhabha’s theory of hybridity, with particular emphasis on Native American identity.

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How to Cite
Năstase, F. “Re-Mystifying the West: Hybridity and Spirituality in Jim Jarmusch’s ’Dead Man’”. Linguaculture, vol. 10, no. 1, June 2019, pp. 60-68, doi:10.47743/lincu-2019-1-0135.
Author Biography

Florina Năstase, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania

Florina Năstase is a junior teaching assistant at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iaşi. She holds a PhD in American poetry and teaches practical courses on literary and cultural theory. She also holds seminars of English literature and dabbles in creative writing workshops. She is often found in the company of an abstruse book, both to impress her peers and to make herself look scholarly. In the future, she hopes to publish more and finally beat the well-documented Impostor Syndrome.


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