Sir Gawain and The Grene Knyght | Sir Gawain și Cavalerul cel Verde translated by Mircea M.Tomuş, Școala Ardeleană Publishing. 2021. 350 pp., ISBN: 978-606-797-703-5

Main Article Content

Mihaela Buzec

Article Details

How to Cite
Buzec, M. “Sir Gawain and The Grene Knyght | Sir Gawain și Cavalerul Cel Verde: Translated by Mircea M.Tomuş, Școala Ardeleană Publishing. 2021. 350 pp., ISBN: 978-606-797-703-5”. Linguaculture, vol. 13, no. 2, Dec. 2022, pp. 123-6, doi:10.47743/lincu-2022-2-0320.
Book Reviews and Notes
Author Biography

Mihaela Buzec, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania

Mihaela BUZEC  is a PhD candidate at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, where she also teaches seminars on English Syntax and History of the English Language. Her main area of research is within neurolinguistics, exploring aphasia and the language faculty. She has previously presented and published papers on Old English, sociolinguistics, internet linguistics, and cognitive linguistics.