Lexical and Pragmatic Discrepancies in Retranslating PRIDE AND PREJUDICE into Romanian. Case Study

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Constantin Dănuț Baicu


The main line of comparative analysis within this study is to identify and explain (to the highest extent possible), some of the most scholarly relevant lexical and pragmatic discrepancies between three subsequent translations of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice into Romanian. The focal points of inquiry are systematically centered on determining the level of efficiency and accuracy of each (re)translation in relation to specific Romanian linguistic principles and norms, as well as to universal knowledge of the source text. Additionally, by means of employing the terminological frame of reference and categorizing functions of the so-called Translation Modalities Method, each translation is placed onto either end of the translating continuum, that is more onto the domesticating or the foreignizing end. Ultimately, a global conclusion is drawn as to whether the (re)translations of Pride and Prejudice can indeed contribute to a better understanding of Jane Austen’s literary complexity and artistic subtleties in this particular case.

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How to Cite
Baicu, C. D. “Lexical and Pragmatic Discrepancies in Retranslating PRIDE AND PREJUDICE into Romanian. Case Study”. Linguaculture, vol. 14, no. 2, Dec. 2023, pp. 57-79, doi:10.47743/lincu-2023-2-0337.
Literary Genres in Translation
Author Biography

Constantin Dănuț Baicu, University of Pitești

Constantin Dănuț BAICU is an English teacher and a PhD student under the coordination of Professor Constantin Manea at the University of Pitesti. Ever since he graduated from the University of Pitești in 2013 he became interested in teaching English and translation studies. The PhD programme he signed up for started in 2021 and it is centred around the retranslation phenomenon. Over the last three years of research, he has been able to successfully complete two major relevant studies for his thesis. The first study, “Observations on (Re)translating Pride and Prejudice into Romanian”, was published in 2022 in the first edition of Re-configuring Romanian Culture on its Way towards Modernity. Romanian Translation Practice in the Age of Enlightenment (1770-1830), Hartung-Gorre Publishers, Konstanz. The second study, “Creating Value in the Retranslation of Shakespeare’s Sonnets into Romanian”, was published in Philologica Jassyensia in the same year.


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