Metaphor Translation in Science Fiction: Some Implications of the Genre

Main Article Content

Sum Wong


This article scrutinises science fiction as a genre and discusses the generic implications for metaphor translation in science fiction. Taking science fiction as an example, it examines three crucial facets of metaphor translation (form, content, and pattern) and demonstrates through concrete examples how the consideration of genre could shed new light on metaphor translation research. It argues that genre as a context, heretofore insufficiently recognised, should be brought to the forefront of metaphor translation research, and suggests how further research could be carried out.

Article Details

How to Cite
Wong, S. “Metaphor Translation in Science Fiction: Some Implications of the Genre”. Linguaculture, vol. 14, no. 2, Dec. 2023, pp. 13-31, doi:10.47743/lincu-2023-2-0339.
Literary Genres in Translation
Author Biography

Sum Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University

Sum WONG is pursuing a PhD in Translation Studies at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies of Hong Kong Baptist University, where he focuses on metaphor translation in contemporary Chinese science fiction. His research interests cut across the disciplines of Metaphor Studies, Literary Studies, and Translation Studies, including but not limited to metaphor translation, literary translation, translation criticism, bibliometric research, and digital humanities. He is also a poet and a literary translator.


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