C. S. Lewis and Derrida: An Exploration

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Melody Green


While many scholars have presented C. S. Lewis’s understanding of language and meaning as directly opposed to those of Jaques Derrida, others have seen similarities between their understanding of these same concepts. This paper provides an overview of the two different perspectives while also introducing other concepts that they both address. These include their attitudes about the changing nature of how people understand the world they live in, and how words change meaning. They also share an interest in wonder, and in some ways, agree on how forgiveness works.  

Article Details

How to Cite
Green, M. “C. S. Lewis and Derrida: An Exploration:”. Linguaculture, vol. 15, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 121-35, doi:10.47743/lincu-2024-1-0353.
Author Biography

Melody Green, Urbana Theological Seminary, U.S.A.

Melody Green is the Dean and Associate Professor of Christianity and Culture at Urbana Theological Seminary. Dr. Green earned her Ph.D. from Illinois State University in English Studies with a Specialization in Literature for Children and Adolescents. At Urbana Seminary she teaches courses on C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, G. K. Chesterton and a variety of topics courses such as Christianity and Children's Literature. Dr. Green's most recent publications include co-editing J. R. R. Tolkien and the Arts: A Theology of Subcreation published by Square Halo Press in 2021, and "Tolkien's Sigurd and the Refracted Light", to be published in Volume 39 of VII: Journal of the Marion E. Wade Center.


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