Many Times and Many Places. C. S. Lewis and the Value of History by K. Alan Snyder and Jamin Metcalf; Hamden CT, Winged Lion Press, 2023, 191 pp. $18.99, ISBN 978-1935688525

Main Article Content

Paul E. Michelson

Article Details

How to Cite
Michelson, P. E. . “Many Times and Many Places. C. S. Lewis and the Value of History: By K. Alan Snyder and Jamin Metcalf; Hamden CT, Winged Lion Press, 2023, 191 Pp. $18.99, ISBN 978-1935688525”. Linguaculture, vol. 15, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 151-5, doi:10.47743/lincu-2024-1-0369.
Book Reviews and Notes
Author Biography

Paul E. Michelson, Huntington University, Indiana, U.S.A.

Dr. Paul E. MICHELSON is a Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus at Huntington University, where he began teaching in 1974. He has been three times a Fulbright fellow in Romania (1971-1973, 1982-1983, 1989-1990); he holds the Ph.D. from Indiana University. His areas of interest and expertise include historiography, Romanian history in the 19th-21st centuries, Totalitarian and Post-totalitarian societies, the History of Venice, and the work of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien.

He served as secretary of the Society for Romanian Studies for nearly 40 years and was secretary of the Conference on Faith and History for ten. His book, Romanian Politics, 1859-1871: From Prince Cuza to Prince Carol (1998) was selected by CHOICE MAGAZINE as an Outstanding Academic Book for 1998 and was awarded the 2000 Bălcescu Prize for History by the Romanian Academy. Recent publications include "’To Promote Professional Study, Criticism, and Research on All Aspects of Romanian Culture and Civilization’: The Society for Romanian Studies at Forty," Balkanistica, Vol. 29 (2016); “Romania and World War I, 1914-1918: An Introductory Survey,” Revue Roumaine d’Histoire, Vol. 55 (2016); "George Enescu in Wartime Iași, 1916-1919," Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A. D. Xenopol, Vol. 53 (2016); "C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Esemplastic Friendship," Inklings Forever, Vol. 10 (2017); "The History of Romanian Evangelicals, 1918-1989: A Bibliographical Excursus," Arhiva Moldaviae,, Vol. 9 (2017); "Inklings at war. J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and the Crucible of World War I," Christian History, Nr. 121 (March 2017); and "Greater Romania and the Post-World War New Normal," in Victor Voicu, ed., Lucrările conferinței internaționale România și evenimentele istorice din perioadă 1914-1920. Desăvârșirea Marii Uniri și întregirea României (București: Editura Academiei Română, 2018). He recently delivered keynote addresses at the Romanian Academy's 1918 commemoration in September 2018 and at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj 1918 conference in October 2018. He is currently finishing a history of Romanian historiography, 1880-1940, and continues to work on a history of the Romanian 1848.