Rooted Deep: Discovering the Literary Identity of Mythopoeic Fantasist George Macdonald

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Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson


This paper is a conversational reassessment of George MacDonald, the Victorian fantasist who so profoundly shaped such writers as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Primary research challenges the common portrayal of MacDonald as an accidental novelist, revealing instead his clear trajectory and vocation as a devoted literary scholar. Clarifying the definition of 'mythopoeic' as applied by the Oxford Inklings to MacDonald draws attention to their conviction that attentive response to one’s literary roots is what engenders novel literature with transformative potential. Further research proves this to be in keeping with the work and legacy of MacDonald and his mentor A.J. Scott. An
intentional participation in this relational nature of literary tradition is a crucial element of the work and legacy to which the Inklings and their successors are heirs.

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How to Cite
Jeffrey Johnson, K. “Rooted Deep: Discovering the Literary Identity of Mythopoeic Fantasist George Macdonald”. Linguaculture, vol. 5, no. 2, Dec. 2014, pp. 25-44, doi:10.1515/lincu-2015-0027.


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