Submission & Reviewing
To submit a paper, please use the Submissions page.
LINGUACULTURE papers are submitted to a double blind peer-review process, in which both the authors and the reviewers remain anonymous. Our journal uses a journal management system that allows for any paper submitted through our Submissions page to be sent anonymously to a reviewer. In turn, the reviewer can submit their suggestions and comments annonymously to the paper author. Reviewers assess both the language and the content quality of submitted papers.
Please visit our Instructions for Anonymization page for details on how to erase any personal data from your Word documents. Please visit our Instructions for External Reviewers page to see the general criteria used in the revision process.
Issue editors are responsible for making suggestions and finding the most suitable peer-reviewers among specialists on the topic under discussion, but they are expected to consult the Editorial Board on such matters.
Depending on the topic and the availability of external reviewers, the peer-review process may take from 2 weeks to 2 months. Authors are informed of the Editor's final decision and may be asked to modify their contributions according to the reviewers' recommendations.