Romania as a Trauma: Considerations upon Romanian-American Literature

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Mihaela Mudure


The aim of this paper is to analyze trauma as constructed in a corpus of texts identified as Romanian-American literature. More precisely, we have focused on the violence of departure from Romania and the violence of adaptation to America in the novel Train to Trieste by Domnica Rădulescu, in Petru Popescu’s The Deputy, and in Alta Ifland’s collection of short stories Elegy for a Fabulous Land. All these writers were born in Romania and were confronted with totalitarianism and its impositions upon individual identity. For many years escape was the main target of their identity politics.

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How to Cite
Mudure, M. “Romania As a Trauma: Considerations Upon Romanian-American Literature”. Linguaculture, vol. 2, no. 2, Dec. 2011, pp. 99-111, doi:10.47743/lincu-2011-2-2-266.
Author Biography

Mihaela Mudure, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Mihaela Mudure is professor in the English Department of Babes-Bolyai University. She is the author of Feminine (2000), Katherine Mansfield: Plucking the Nettle of Impressions (2000), Coveting Multiculturalism (2000), Istorie şi literatură [History and Literature] (2001), Ispitiri, trecute vremi [ Temptations, By-Gone Times] (2002), Ethnic America (2008), Still Balnibarbi? (Post-)coloniality, Irish History and Culture, Cluj-Napoca: NapocaStar (2008), Lecturi canadiene [Canadian Readings] ( 2009). She has contributed to several reference books: Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies (2001), Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature (2006), International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities (2007), Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions and New Ideologies 1760-1815 (2007), Encyclopedia of Antislavery and Abolition, vol. I (2007), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History, vol. 4, (2008), Dicţionarul cronologic al romanului românesc (1990-2000) [Chronological Dictionary of the Romanian Novel (1990-2000)] (2011), Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers, vol. 366 (2012). Dr. Mudure has published articles in Romanian and international journals. She is also a translator from English and French into Romanian and from Romanian into English. Prof. Mudure is currently editing an international collection of articles on Mary Wollstonecraft.